
Defiant Radios Fun Day

11.00am - 4.00pm In the 1930s, radio manufacturers refused to supply radio sets to co-operatives so they made their own and call them ‘defiant’.

United Kingdom

Youth Debate Open 2013 (Campu Co-operatives)

The 2013 Youth Debate Open is organized by the Debate Association of Singapore in collaboration with The Singapore National Co-operative Federation and the Jelutung Youth Executive Committee of the Pe



Come and join in our family friendly activities at The Rochdale Pioneers Museum. Learn all about how Bees are important in our food chain and have the chance to create your own arts and crafts Bees an

United Kingdom

International Co-operative Governance Symposium

From September 5th (evening) to September 7th, 2013, Saint Mary’s University (Halifax, NS, Canada) will be hosting an International Co-operative Governance Symposium.

<span class="administrative-area">NS</span> , Canada

seminar on role of youth in future co-operative enterprise

seminar on "role of youth in future co-operative enterprise" addressed to school children at NITC, kerala , India on july 15, 2012

<span class="administrative-area">kerala</span> , India

“Turkish Cooperative Strategy and Action Plan"

“Turkish Cooperative Strategy and Action Plan" will be announced to the public by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, with a well-attended meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2012. “Turkey Coop


“Turkey Cooperative Strategy and Action Plan "

“Turkish Cooperative Strategy and Action Plan" will be announced to the public by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, with a well-attended meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2012. “Turkey Coop


DC Coop Day : Building Community and Economic Alternatives

FREE EVENT @ University of the District of Columbia Hosted by Coop DC, HAFA-DC and UDC’s Kirkman Center for the Study of Cooperatives Co-operatives are businesses owned and run by and for their membe

<span class="administrative-area">DC</span> , United States

Back to the Co-op Future: Early Roots

On Sept 28, at 7pm at the Ypsilanti Senior Center, the Ypsilanti Food Coop will host the event "Back to the Co-op Future: Early Roots." We will show part of the new film "Food For Change," and talk a

<span class="administrative-area">MI</span> , United States

Cooperative Education Seminar

Each year the New Zealand Cooperatives Association runs education seminars for co-op and mutual senior executives and board members. These seminars offer workshops and training sessions which have be

New Zealand
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A new social economy think-tank aiming…

The IYC website showingthe logo, map and menu options

Following the global launch of the…

The 2025 UN International Year of Cooperatives (IYC) was…

If cooperativism was…